Stem Cell Therapy Cost in Mexico

Let’s get some context first…
Stem cell therapy it’s an advance medical procedure in the regenerative medicine field, often called the future of medicine since it’s a noninvasive procedure and has had excellent results on people that suffer from serious muscular injuries or degenerative diseases. The procedure doesn’t require surgery and has no side effects, making stem cell therapy the best option for most people.

What do stem cells do? Stem cells are not medication or a “miracle drug”, they are living tissue and their main purpose is to regenerate damaged tissue and energize lost cells helping the body heal itself, achieving the purpose of regenerative medicine.

Stem Cell Therapy at GIOSTAR Mexico:

What makes us different?

(GIOSTAR’s first appearance on American TV)

At GIOSTAR we provide stem cell therapy for muscular injuries and for a variety of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes type 1 and type 2, ALS, and more.
Depending on the patient’s condition stem cells can be applied through:

  • Intravenous (IV): Stem cells are injected into the bloodstream with mannitol to expand blood volumes in the central nervous system to ensure they reach the affected area.
  • Intrathecal Administration: Through this procedure, stem cells are infused into the cerebrospinal fluid through the subarachnoid spaces of the spinal canal.
  • Locally: Stem Cells are surgically delivered in the affected area by an endoscopy or guided by fluoroscopy.

Our main goal is to make a significant improvement in your quality of life by making your therapy personalized.

Every one of our patients goes through an approval process in which they found out if they are a candidate for stem cell therapy, this is an important step in the therapy because this is how doctors make sure stem cells are an option for you, your condition and your quality of life. In no way, we want to lead you into unrealistic expectations although very positive outcomes may result.

Each body has their own way to process everything: food, pollution, medicine, therapies, diseases and more. So like in any other kind of therapy the results are all up to your body’s reaction. In our efforts to achieve the best results possible we ask you to fill out a health form so GIOSTAR doctors can set the right procedure just for you!

Want to know more about our stem cell therapy? Ask us right NOW!

Stem Cell Therapy Cost in Mexico

Usually, there’s this perception about medicine in Mexico, since it’s really common to find treatments in a more affordable cost than in the US or Canada, somehow a notion is created where all Mexican treatments and therapies are poor quality.

GIOSTAR is a US-based company with US-based research in charge by the pioneer in the stem cell therapy field: Dr. Anand Srivastava. This research has lead to the first FDA approved clinical trial for stem cells to treat spinal cord injuries with the Christopher Reeves Foundation, a government-funded hospital in India and collaborations with prestigious US universities. When you send us your health form, our US medical board is the one to determine if you are a candidate and set the procedure. So, although application clinics are located in Mexico all research and protocols are from the US and medical staff is specially trained by Dr. Anand Srivastava.

Now, as a protocol is specially designed to adequate your health and symptoms, it may represent a variation in cost from one patient to another even if it’s for the same condition. This is perfectly normal as we stated before, there are variables to consider when designing your protocol and the cost will cover what would be needed specifically for the stem cell transplant, including in some cases a specialist.

Unlike other stem cell providers, our medical board sometimes recommend more than one stem cell application to our patients, this is because the therapy is design to not only address some of the symptoms of the disease or injury but to really achieve an improvement, this is why the overall therapy may start at $10,000 US dlls to $27,000 US dlls.

Stem cell therapy at GIOSTAR Mexico is different from any other stem cell therapy clinics, our process is far from a simple transplant and can be more effective.

Find out if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy TODAY!