5 Tips That Will Help You Choose Your Stem Cell Therapy

Since the day we are born until our adulthood we produce stem cells, stem cells function as a repair kit inside our body in case we have an injury. Once we reach maturity our bodies stop the production of stem cells, this doesn’t mean we can’t use the ones we have stored during our development when we get injured as adults but it does explain why children and teens tend to heal faster than adults.

Stem cell therapy is a procedure in the regenerative medicine field that helps patients improve their quality of life in a more natural way. The main purposes of stem cell therapy are:

  • Help slow down deterioration
  • Stop deterioration
  • Regenerate the damaged tissue

Stem cell therapy has become more and more popular each day, more application clinics are beginning to open up for business and choosing where to get your stem cell therapy can be a hard thing to do. There are so many stem cell clinics, types of stem cells, type of procedures that it’s completely normal to feel a little overwhelmed about choosing the right stem cell therapy clinic for you.

This is why we made this little guide so you know what to look for in your stem cell provider:

  1. For safety reasons it’s important you identify if the stem cell clinic you’re planning to get your stem cell therapy is an actual regulated facility. Scamming stem cell clinics actually exist, they sometimes even use animal stem cells which is not really what you want if you’re treating a muscular injury, degenerative disease or even as an anti-aging treatment.
    Always look for quality and transparent information on their website also look for visible verifications in the clinic.

  2. If you’re planning to get stem cell therapy outside the US and Canada you have to be aware that every country has their own health laws and regulation entity. It’s important they have visible permits in their clinic from their government to ensure the best quality practices.

  3. The medical team should be qualified. Doctors, nurses, and medical staff should all be certified to provide you the service you need and in case it’s required a specialist should perform the application.

  4. Since the stem cell therapy field is relatively new for some, they tend to do clinical trials based on the research they’ve done. You have to be sure about if the therapy your getting is a clinical trial or a professional service being offered.

  5. Be sure to ask them all about the therapy you’re getting. Where do the stem cells come from? Are they gonna use donor stem cells or your own and why? What kinda process the stem cells go through? Any question that helps you understand the therapy you're getting and ease skepticism.

We hope you've found this information useful and helpful in your journey.