Anti-Aging Treatment


Our body is filled with millions of cells that are in charge of every function in our organism and they do have a life cycle: birth, growth, reproduction and death. When they die they produce some deterioration in our body leading to malfunctions like degenerative diseases.

By smoking, maintaining bad eating habits, not exercising enough or exposing ourselves to smog and bad air quality, we’re helping speed the aging of our cells causing those aging signs to appear early; but we can also reverse those signs by using some treatments, and the one that we advise is stem cell application.

First, it’s important to clarify that the results of stem cell applications are different for everyone, is just like medicine, it may have different effects on each body. But some of the regular aging signs that these cells can help diminish are physical malaise like headaches, dry skin, and pain in arms or legs, and may also help you feel less tired and get more elasticity on the skin.

In the following paragraphs we’ll show some of the results of patients who have undergone Stem cell applications:


In the US more than 50 million people suffer from hair loss. It is now known that hair follicle stem cells are the ones in charge of renewing our hair, but as time goes by they start to fall apart, causing the shrinkage of hair follicles making it more difficult to grow new hair. Basically, if new stem cells are placed, the hair will grow again.

The treatment will depend on the kind of alopecia the patient has. When the hair starts to grow, it will also be thicker and stronger.

As the cells are being regrown, another thing that stem cell application can do for our hair, is turn grey hair into its original color and fill in bald spot.


Thanks to this treatment and the effects on the skin being regenerated, it will recover its elasticity and firmness leading to less lines and wrinkles, and a general improvement on the face giving great anti-aging results.

This treatment is getting more popular everyday as it gives amazing results, such as a noticeable clearer and lighter skin tone with less pigmentation.

On the complete body:

With an application, the stem cells go all over our body, making it feel younger, improving our libido, and our capacity to do sports and other physical activities. The skin will become more elastic and show less bruising.

Now that you know some of the benefits of using stem cell applications you can make a decision on how or when to take the next step. Remember you can do this at GIOSTAR Mexico with the most advanced technology in Stem Cells.


Stem cell therapy like any other type of medical procedure have no guarantees and is not promoted as a cure. Reviews and testimonials on this site are personal experiences of our patients. An evaluation from the medical team is required to determine if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy and any personal information provided is for internal and medical use only at GIOSTAR. GIOSTAR hearquarters and research is done in San Diego, California. Adipose Derived Minimally Manipulated Autologous Stem Cell Therapy is regulated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) under these guidelines and generally falls under physician's discretion via exception in 21 CFR 1271.15(b) in the United States. Canadian laws state that stem cell therapy is approved only for research. Stem cell therapy at GIOSTAR Mexico is regulated and approved by COFEPRIS and other local authorities and is practiced within the legal limits of Mexico.

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