The Certification of your Cell Therapy Provider and The Influence on your Therapy

Nowadays stem cell therapy has become a really popular procedure in the regenerative medicine field due to the almost “miracle” results presented on patients with degenerative diseases and muscular injuries.

The truth about stem cell therapy is that like in any other type of medical procedure the results may vary. This is because stem cell therapy is all about performing under the principal and natural role of stem cells, which is to regenerate damaged tissue and/or lost cells. The variation of the results between patients who even have the same condition is perfectly common because variables such as symptoms, overall health, deterioration, nutrition may determine the improvements on your quality of life.

This is why it’s important to make sure your stem cell therapy clinic or provider is up to standards, regulations, and certifications. As there are a lot of variables influencing your therapy the proper protocols, procedure, medical evaluations need to be made.

Sadly, this isn’t the case for some stem cell clinics and severe side effects can be expected as a consequence of the lack certifications, regulations or even medical assessment.

Having a certification of your local health authority has an impact on your therapy as the stem cell therapy clinic or provider has the obligation to ensure the best quality health practices and is subjected to regular inspections to maintain the certification.

What you get from a certified stem cell therapy clinic is a qualified medical team that will make sure you have the medical information you ask for, that will guide you each step of the way on your stem cell therapy journey, the certified knowledge, and skills to provide you the medical attention necessary under any circumstances.

You get safety and hygiene in the process of your stem cell application, on the medical equipment, and on the facilities. The clinic’s duty is to operate in a clean and secure environment that prioritizes the patient’s health, and honors the patient’s trust for an unharmful procedure.

The quality of the stem cells is established by the regulations of the local authorities. In the case of stem cell therapy in the US and in Canada, it’s strictly regulated by the FDA and Health Canada only allowing a few types of stem cells for therapy and others are only approved for research. This because the FDA and Health Canada are still reviewing the potential of stem cells. While in Mexico and other countries have approval and regulations over a wide range of procedures involving certain types of stem cells. The importance of regulation and certification is vital for your therapy whether you’re getting it in the US, Canada or Mexico, this way you know exactly where are the stem cells coming from, what type of stem cells they are, if they are the best for your condition, and if the procedure is legal in the country.

We encourage you to do your own research about the stem cell therapy your getting and remember to

be safe, be sure, and be healthy.